Group Coaching Laura D

What if confidence meant you became more of who you want to be?

Have you been thinking about your life and what may be missing? Perhaps, you want a better job, more opportunities for promotion and growth, a relationship that is intimate, close friends, better health or peace of mind or deciding what you are going to do with the rest of your life.

I am happy to announce a 6-week online women’s group that will be starting September 16, 2022 in which we will create a safe space that will support you in meeting some challenges in having the life you want.  My experience has been that creating a life you love and achieving the results you want start with you having a deeper understanding of yourself.

How Do You Feel About Your Life?

What is it costing you now if your life is not where you want it to be?  Where would you be if you were feeling good and confident about yourself and had a clear plan of where you were going?  In this group, you will find support and tools to start feeling more confident and assert your goodness and courage through new thinking that will accelerate your positive results!

Our Beliefs Make a Difference

Research studies have shown that the more you believe in your own ability to succeed, the more likely it is that you will succeed!  Also, several studies have shown that when we are happy and feel fulfilled, we are smarter, more motivated and more successful.  Happiness is the center from which success revolves around.  Confidence is a new belief in yourself!


This group, “From Uncertainty to Confidence,” is a 6-week intensive virtual group coaCHing program where we will look at how we view confidence in us, in our life and what changes we can make to increase our confidence and live from a happier place.

This group will be conducted on zoom video conference.  You will have the support of a life coach and the other women in the group.  This support will increase your motivation to take yourself to the next level.  You will receive inspiring material in each group session, tools that will inspire your thinking and get you started on taking some positive actions.  The group will function as a support and mastermind that will help you be accountable.  You will learn how to manage your limiting beliefs, fears, and obstacles and go beyond these circumstances to achieve more.

What You Will Receive

In this 6-week coaching group, you will learn to:

    • Identify your winning mindset
    • Explore your gifts and talents
    • Boost your credibility and confidence
    • Re-pattern paradigms
    • Design a blueprint for your future

Details on This Women’s Group

We have space for 8 women in this group program.  Everyone obtains the benefit of each other and the synergy that is created is amazing!  Space is limited, so I urge you to consider this program if it resonates with you. 

Dates:  September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 21

Time:   4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Pacific Time

Place:   Online Zoom video conference, link to be provided

Investment:  $167    

Early Bird Sale - $147 if purchased by September 14, 2022


To pay by credit card use the PayPal buttons below. 

You can also contact me and pay by check, mailed to my PO Box. 

Come Join Us!

If you are ready to dream big and live even bigger, come and join us!

Please enter your information below and hit the "Submit" button, then scroll down to the Payapl button to make your payment.

Thank you so much! See you there!

Early-Bird Price: $147